16 September, 2020

Animals unique to Tasmania

Approximately 10,000 years ago, the Tasmanian landmass was connected to mainland Australia. However, rising sea levels isolated Tasmania, causing its environment to develop more specialised and unique animal species. Anyone who enjoys travelling to see wildlife will want to take a closer look at Tasmania’s native creatures in their natural habitats.

Eastern Quoll

The Eastern Quoll once lived on the Australian mainland, but has not been sighted there since 1963. Today, this marsupial, which closely resembles a ferret, is found only in Tasmania. Adult Eastern Quolls are about the size of a common house cat, but the animals are far from friendly! They have been known to fight Tasmanian Devils in order to have enough food to help feed its large litters of young. The Eastern Quoll is more commonly found living in remote forests, grasslands and fields.

Eastern Quoll
Eastern Quoll (Image: Ash Thomson Photography)

Tasmanian Devil

The Tasmanian Devil is a marsupial and surely the island’s most well-known creature. Whilst they may look cute, researchers have discovered that these animals have one of the strongest bites in the animal kingdom for their size. When angry or threatened, they’re known for making a disturbingly loud screeching noise, and it is believed this behaviour is responsible for they're being named the “Tasmanian Devils”. In addition to having a sturdy and muscular body, these animals able to swim in water and climb trees, helping to increase their chances of survival.

Tasmanian Devil, Devils @ Cradle
Tasmanian Devil, Devils @ Cradle (Image: Laura Helle)

Red-Bellied Pademelon

Pademelon marsupials resemble wallabies and kangaroos, but are a different species altogether. The Red-Bellied Pademelon only lives in Tasmania near forested areas where it can hide from predators. While abundant, these nocturnal and solitary animals are rarely seen. Those willing to venture out at nighttime may be able to catch a glimpse though.

Pademelon (Tourism Tasmania & Rob Burnett)

Tasmanian Native Hen

The Tasmanian Native Hen is a flightless bird that grows to about 45 centimetres in height. It has brown feathers with an undertone colour of bluish-grey. This bird has black tail feathers and bright red eyes. Most of these animals are found near a water source such as a stream or lake. Strangely, there are many more adult males than adult females in each social group. Researchers have discovered that most eggs laid by females produce male offspring, leading to one female breeding with multiple males. Despite this unusual family structure, this species is thriving throughout Tasmania because it has adapted to eating foods grown by local farmers.

Tasmanian Native Hen (Image: Tourism Tasmania & Kelly Slater)
Tasmanian Native Hen (Image: Tourism Tasmania & Kelly Slater)


Information included in this blog is correct at the time of publishing. Please contact individual operators for further information.

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