Corporate Information

Media kit

For more information on Spirit of Tasmania, please download our media kit.

Media kit

Green Marine

We’re proud to be the first Australian company to join the Green Marine environment certification program. Green Marine is a voluntary initiative that will help us improve our environmental performance and achieve even greater sustainability outcomes. Find out more about Green Marine.


Code of Conduct

Our code of conduct governs our commercial operations and our employees when they're representing the company.

Whistleblowing Policy

TT-Line Company Pty Ltd (TT-Line) is committed to complying with its whistleblowing obligations under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Act) and Tax Administration Act 1953 (Cth) (Tax Act) and is required to have this whistleblowing policy.

Whistleblowing PolicyGuidance Note Whistleblowing Policies

Right to Information Policy

TT-Line Company Pty Ltd (TT-Line) is a State Owned Company and is therefore subject to the Tasmanian Government's Right to Information Act 2009 (the RTI Act) outlined below.

Right to Information Policy

Right to Information Act 2009

TT-Line Company Pty Ltd (trading as Spirit of Tasmania) is required under the Right to Information Act 2009 to make information available to the public through proactive disclosure. This means we need to routinely make information available which will assist the public in understanding what it is we do and how we do it.

Some information is not released in this way either because it is not of general public interest or because it is information TT-Line would need to assess against the exemptions in the Right to Information Act 2009 prior to disclosure.

If you cannot find the information you need on our website, contact us and we may be able to assist you in finding it or we may give it to you. If it is not freely available we will assist you to make an application for an assessed disclosure

Applications to TT-Line requesting information not contained in our annual report or media releases should be addressed to:

Right to Information Officer
TT-Line Company Pty Ltd
PO Box 168E
East Devonport TAS 7310

Download our form to assist in making an application. Applications must be made in writing, include the information which is requested on the form and include the $41.25 application fee.

You will be notified of the decision on your application for assessed disclosure as soon as practicable, but in no more than 20 working days of the application being accepted. Please note, if your request is complex or for a large amount of information we may ask you to give us more time.

Application for assessed disclosure

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy outlines how we manage and secure your personal information.

Privacy Policy