Spirit of Tasmania sailing update - 26 September

Spirit of Tasmania sailing update

26 September

Spirit of Tasmania will sail with modified sailings from both Devonport and Station Pier tonight after Public Health approved the sailings.

TT-Line CEO Bernard Dwyer said he was pleased that passengers on both sides of Bass Strait who have had their travel plans delayed could depart tonight.

“The delays particularly impacted passengers on the Victorian side who were advised not to leave Station Pier due to the current lockdown in Victoria,” he said.

“We are very appreciative of the work the team at the Department of Health and all supporting Agencies have done to provide advice and assistance to our passengers in relation to permits required to enter Tasmania.

“In addition, we have decided to schedule an additional day sailing departing both ports at 8:30am on Monday 27 September to ensure affected passengers can resume their travel as soon as possible, and freight deliveries arrive at their markets.”